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Does this Bible story mean God wants you to be poor?

How often have you heard that money is the root of all evil? Or that if you give when you don't have much, God values that more?

There's a lot of misconceptions and mistruths about money and the Bible.

In this short segment, we take a look at the story of the Widow's Offering, found in Mark 12:41-44.

The popular interpretation of this passage is that it's about giving to God...even if you have nothing left. But what if there's more to this story than the popular narrative we've heard in church?

And for entrepreneurs...what if some of the toxic money beliefs we have in our head were in part fed by this narrow interpretation?

We dive into 3 toxic beliefs that stem from this story. 

Join the conversation on growing your business, making money, marketing, and how faith fits into all of that in the Recovering Christian Entrepreneur: Money, Mindset, and Marketing Facebook group:

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